Saturday, April 16, 2011

Oh The Things You Can Find... If You Know Where To Go

    If you live close to Nashville, you are in luck.  There's so many great, little unique places to visit-- and shop!  If you know where to look, you can find practically anything you're searching for-- at a great price.  So let's start with one of my favorite little Nash-zones... Hillsboro Village in the west end.  If you've been there before, you know how just fun and laid-back the area is.  It gives off a retro-cool vibe, that's undeniably hip-chic.  Each time I venture down to the Village.. I feel like I'm back on the streets of London.  Or even in New York City's, Greenwich Village.  So artsy, so classy, so free.  There's clothing boutiques, 'coolest-of-cool' coffee shops and eateries-- (Fido anyone?), the famous "Pancake Pantry" (gives the Country Music Hall of Fame a run for its money in tourist's eyes), and what I consider to be one of the most perfect little book stores man ever established --(more on that in a later post).
     Just this past week, a friend (hi Jess) and I journeyed down to the Village for a day of browsing.  Our first stop, of course, was the great little boutique called "Pangaea".

   This place has all sorts of amazing items.  Clothing, jewelry, vintage-flare pillows, China-print wallpaper, cutesy notebooks/tablets, hats, headbands, fierce/shabby-chic nic-knacks-- you name it!  And all of it, reasonably priced.  For example, I was there to browse-- not to spend oodles of money.  So, I scammed the racks to see what I could find.  I had already decided I wanted to stay around $30... (seemed like a safe price range-- I figured I'd leave empty-handed).  And if there's one thing I love when it comes to shopping, it's buying something new-- but the one thing I love even more is finding a great deal!  So to my delight, you can imagine how excited I was to find the perfect little spring/summer dress-- that had my name written all over it!  And best of all-- this little beauty fell right near my price range-- $31.  Now I do have to confess I spent a tad extra on accessories, but once you see how they "make" the outfit-- you'll understand why.  After all, it's the finishing touches that make an outfit "your own".  Take a look at mine....

   I love the 'vintage-vibe' the dress gives off, with its neutral colors and lace trim.  But there's something classically girly about it too.  I paired it with a silver/gray beaded belt complete with wooden buckle.  The gray belt brings out the gray design, while the brown buckle keeps the overall neutral shade of the dress balanced.  Here's a closer look...

   And to add a personal touch, I chose to pair it with a fun stone cuff.  I was so happy when I found this one-- because it matched perfectly!

   I felt pretty accomplished-- a fashion-savvy 3-piece outfit for around $60-- I call that a bargain!  In fact, I felt so content with my purchase at Pangaea... I could have called it a day----- BUT, since I was in Hillsboro Village, I knew I had to make a pit-stop in one more adorable boutique---"Fire Finch".

    If you love fashion-forward pieces, perfect for a dinner-date-- better yet.. that could be rocked on any runway, this place is for you.  It's impossible for a female-- of any age-- to walk by this store without taking a second-glance before racing through the door.  Inside you'll find all kinds of delicate pieces.. including clothing/jewelry/ and handbags.  And it's nearly impossible to not find something that will catch your eye.  Case in point-- one glance at these beautiful earrings, and I knew I could not go on without them.  You'll see why-------

    Believe it or not, this picture doesn't really do them justice.  These little balls glisten most beautifully when light hits the crystallized features.  And the bold color is extraordinary!  Pair them with a simple black dress, and they're all the color your outfit will need.  Most gorgeous, don't you think?

    I could go on and on about Hillsboro Village, but to truly understand just how great it is, you must experience it for yourself.  So if you're searching for the perfect place to spend a Saturday with your girlfriends-- or just to have some laid-back time by yourself, this is the place for you.  Because if you know where to look.. not only are your wardrobe possibilities going to be endless.. but so is the huge smile that's going to be on your face once you go.

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