Sunday, June 3, 2012


     Chances.  They're what makes life worth living.  What would life be like without them?  Chances are opportunities.  Chances are a second go.  Chances are worth taking

      It's not by chance though, that Five for Fighting's hit song, "Chances", is one of my all-time favorites.  Every time the melody sounds from my ear-buds, I feel as if I'm walking to the beat of the "Soundtrack to My Life". It was during my run a few days ago, that the song popped up on my Ipod, and I found myself thinking just how important chances are in life.  Without chances, we would never get to experience the "chance of a lifetime", nor to "take a chance" to live on faith and leap!  And could you imagine a life without second chances?  A life where the first shot is all you get and there's no do-over's and times to make right?
     Life is not perfect, or mine isn't anyways!  I've had several chances to experience many opportunities, but I've also had chances, which I thought I couldn't live without, taken away.  I'm grateful for all the chances I've had to say "I'm sorry", and am humbled and thankful for the greatest chance of a lifetime:  to live for the Savior who died to give me the most important second chance ever given.
      As the song goes, 
"Chances are waiting to be taken, and I can see...
Chances are the fascinations,
Chances won't escape from me.
Chances are only what we make them, and all I need." 

  Thank goodness for chances... of all kinds.

  Five for Fighting, "Chances"

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A 'good for you' kind of "donut"...

    I'll forever never again look at a donut the same.  I've always tried to stray away from the sugary little boogers when it comes to my diet, (and many times haven't found myself so successful, I might add) but after today, I'll forever look at these little sweet treats in a new light.  Why the sudden change you may ask?...
    No; there hasn't been a new scientific declaration that the famous fried dough with the hole in the middle is the newest way to shed a few pounds- (don't we wish?)!  In fact, I'm actually not talking about the kind of donut we like to eat at all!  Instead, this so-called "donut" is one that is good for you!... as in, good for the soul. :)
    Hearing stories of those who have explored the world and all its' wondrous places is always so awe-inspiring to me.  Being someone who prefers living out of a suitcase rather than calling Buckingham Palace home... (well, on second thought... I joke, I joke!), I am always looking to explore and see as much of this big world as I can while I have the opportunity.  So today, when I stumbled upon writer, photographer and traveler: Ms. Barbara Weibel's blog, "Hole in the Donut", I was at once blown away by her beautiful writing and moving pictures!  I've posted the link to her site here so you can enjoy "traveling" with her, too!  This is one blog that will leave you feeling inspired and ready to embark on a journey of your own!  Bon Voyage!
  Edinburgh, Scotland (summer 2009)