Sunday, November 20, 2011

Praying for Branden

     This past week has brought about many different emotions in a short amount of time.  I received word that a precious little boy who I've know all his life has been diagnosed with a type of cancer.  The news literally sucked the life out of me and brought tears to my eyes.  I prayed and cried then prayed some more.  But it was the moment when I logged into my Facebook account that I was struck with a different type of emotion.  A smile spread across my face as tears streamed down my cheeks, and I sat there in astonishment.  Spanning the length of my computer screen was post after post:  prayer requests, words of hope and encouragement, and recently written "status updates" each dedicated to our sweet Branden.
     Faith is a beautiful thing.  It's the part of you that makes all the hard times in life a little bit easier.  But it's a faith family-- those who come together and surround you in continuous thoughts and prayers and love, that make us realize we're not alone in life's heartaches.  In Christ, we are family.
     I dedicate this blog post to this little boy who is my inspiration.  Branden has a heart for God and a personality that shines like the sun.  My heart is captivated by his unwavering faith and strength.  It is my prayer that God will hear the many other numerous prayers being sent up so fervently.
     "Lord may you hold this child of Yours in Your mighty hands and bestow upon him complete healing.  Bring peace and comfort to the family, and may they remember You are with them every moment of each day.  Hear our prayers, Lord God, for we know You are the One who moves mountains.  In Your precious Son's Name, Amen."
~ Praying for you Branden

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